He Called My Name

by June O. Buggy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/9/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781664259560
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781664259584

About the Book

This book is an autobiography readers will enjoy its interesting details because life can be difficult to maintain. This book will give you spiritual strength and the will power to fight the good fight of faith. I have obtained a Master of Science Degree from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Counseling. I pray you will receive the strength you need to fight through difficult times.

About the Author

Stacks an awry individual useless and selfish bound in his own world of turmoil. Innocents was just a game of Russian roulette to him; children was his target and his aim. No one knew his mind-set or his intentions. He was a demon in disguise a monster and a lifelong thief of innocence. He never thought of the misery he caused his victims, or their families lives that took uncertain paths. But God made a way!