A Preacher’s Prayer

by Darel Boston



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781664299207
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781664299221
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781664299214

About the Book

Preaching, at its best, is God inspired and directed to and through a preacher. That preacher keeps feeling his need, keeps studying God’s word, and stays open to the spirit. In A Preacher’s Prayer, author Darel Boston shares the stories of his life—before he became a minister, during his long tenure, and the insights and lessons he gained throughout his many and varied experiences both in the United States and abroad. Beginning with his birth in 1936, Boston chronicles his journey, through his childhood and high school years, his college and seminary time, and ministries in Indianapolis, Norton and Junction City, KS. A Preacher’s Prayer offers keen insight into the unique life of a minister and a minister’s family. Boston’s life, ministry, and poetry show an enduring relationship with God that serves to inspire and encourage others in their Christian lives.

About the Author

Darel Boston is a graduate of Manhattan (Kansas) Christian College and the Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis. He has been preaching since April 1955. Throughout his tenure, he’s been involved with congregations, world missions, church camps, revivals, workshops, seminars, classes, long-term and interim ministries, conventions, and service on college and mission boards. He has two grown children.