“Why God?"
Brave Questions That Need Answers After Suffering Loss
Book Details
About the Book
Many difficult “Why God?” questions accompany the loss of a child or loved one. Frame writes from the rational, spiritual perspective of a Christian father who unexpectedly lost a 20-year-old son. His goal is to help readers reset perceptions and expectations about who God is, what happens in death, and what God’s promises actually are related to suffering and grief. Where existing books and resources fall short and may fail to speak effectively to the heartbroken, Frame’s bold, questioning approach and conversational voice target and reach grieving readers where they are in the unpredictable journey of loss.
About the Author
Darren Frame isn’t a pastor or a psychologist. He speaks as a father, who unexpectedly lost a 20-year-old son. His background is as a Baylor University professor and co-owner of a successful business for 30+ years. His personal loss, coupled with his teaching experience and Christian faith, have allowed him several opportunities for lay teaching and counseling since his son’s death in 2016. With honesty and practicality, this book addresses many of the faith-related questions that come when tragedy strikes, like how God can still be in control when a young son unexpectedly dies and was healthy just days before.