My prayer:
Lord, let this enter the hands of those who are frustrated, who feel like giving up. Let this enter the hands of those who have fallen away or those who desperately need a relationship with You, God.
Let this enter the hands of those who have experienced hurt after hurt, betrayal after betrayal, and need You to speak to them and give them a clear sign that this is not the end. Let this enter the hands of those who have cried tears of sadness, anger, doubt, and shame, night after night, hoping to just hear Your voice and hoping for you to do something miraculous in their lives.
Let this enter the hands of those who feel tired, confused, abandoned, and misused. Let this enter the hands of those whose minds feel plagued with endless questions concerning Your will and direction for their lives.
Let this enter the hands of the brokenhearted—the ones who’ve been deceived, abused, and mistreated when all they gave was pure love. Let this enter the hands of those who feel less than and are looked down upon.
Let this enter the hands of those who feel themselves getting weary from the waiting. Let this enter the hands of those carrying just a few drops of hope left.
Let this enter the hands of those carrying the weight of bitterness and anger; those who just can’t seem to let go of the past.
Let this enter the hands of those who want to forget the hurt, but all they can do is remember.
Let this enter the hands of those who need to be set free from the burden of unforgiveness. Let this enter the hands of those who are running from You; fearful to live in the purpose You’ve created them for.
Let this enter the hands of those who need change, the dreamers who desire for You to move and do something new in their lives. Let this enter the hand of those who are desperately calling out to You to turn things around for their favor, for their good, and for Your glory.
Let this enter the hands of those who’ve been attacked and persecuted. Let this enter the hands of those who trust Your promises, but everything seems so blurry because they can’t seem to hear Your voice to give them direction and guidance.
Let this enter the hands of those who need Your help because they can’t seem to figure out their lives on their own. Let this enter the hands of those who’ve felt lonely, insecure, and insignificant.
Let this enter the hands of those who have fought to keep their head held high, looking up to You, the source of their strength and help. Let this enter the hands of those who need signs, miracles, and wonders to take place in their lives.
Let this enter the hands of those who need You to change their lives, transforming them from the inside out. Let this enter the hands of those who have wrestled like Jacob because they know on the other side of their test is a testimony.
Let this enter the hands of those who believe You can turn their mess into a miracle. Let their hope not run dry. Let their faith not be shaken. Let their tears not be wasted. Let their struggle not be in vain, Lord. Use their story for Your glory.