When the Perfect Comes

The Bible’s Predictions, Simplified

by Dr. Brad Young



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/8/2022

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9781664271937
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9781664271920

About the Book

“A masterful yet truly accessible survey of end-time theology. Young presents complex topics in a very readable manner, all the while remaining faithful to Scripture.”

—Micah Redfield, Master of Theology from Denver Seminary

Scripture affirms what the apostles passed down to the early church, including that the church will go through the entire Tribulation and the Antichrist will come from the Middle East.

If the Early Church and ancient Jewish writings, including Hosea, are correct, the Tribulation might start within the next three years.

Brad Young examines what the Bible tells us about the end-time as well as the Second Coming of Christ. He considers questions such as:

Why should we study prophecy?
How do we discover prophetic truth?
Can the Bible’s prophecies be trusted?
What happens before and during the Tribulation?
Who will the Antichrist be, and what is the Mark of the Beast?
How should we prepare for the Tribulation and Second Coming?

He also examines why there is a need for the Tribulation, what happens when Christ returns, and what the Kingdom of God will be like. Other topics include the role of Islam during the end-time as well as the role of Russia.

Also, how Iran will spark a war in the Middle East just before the Tribulation.

Simplified and condensed with over 500 references – When The Perfect Comes – covers all aspects of prophecy which affect our lives and instructs us on the signs to look for. This is the only prophecy book you need to understand the end-time and what to do about it.

Discover what the Bible tells us about the Second Coming of Christ and change your life forever with the wisdom in When the Perfect Comes.

About the Author

Brad Young has been studying the Bible for over forty years and writing about prophesy and the end-time for twenty-two years. As a chiropractor, he has been leading mission teams to work on behalf of the poor in Mexico since 2011.