… para ir al cielo

Todos en el cielo esperan su decisión

by Arnulfo García Castellanos



Book Details

Language : Spanish
Publication Date : 10/4/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781664269361
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781664269385
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781664269378

About the Book

Si las reflexiones sobre la vida le permiten comprender que no ocupa la posición que esperaba después de grandes esfuerzos; si al final de muchos intentos, triunfos y derrotas, no encuentra el sentido de la vida. Cuando siente que se apagan las ilusiones porque el tiempo pasa muy rápido y con crueldad desgasta nuestra humanidad, quiero decirle que no todo termina ahí. Hay un camino lleno de esperanza que nos permite darle a nuestra existencia complicada un final victorioso, en cualquier situación. Ahora, las complejidades de la vida que absorben y consumen nuestros días, han sido obstáculo para seguir la senda triunfal. El Señor Jesucristo dice: “pocos son los que lo hallan” refiriéndose al camino al cielo, y también afirmó “muchos son los llamados y pocos los escogidos”. Este libro es un llamado a la conciencia para que se vincule al grupo de los escogidos y alcance lo que Dios ha preparado para los que creen. If reflections on life allow you to understand that you do not occupy the position you expected after great efforts; if at the end of many attempts, triumphs and defeats, you do not find the meaning of life. When you feel that your illusions are extinguished because time passes too quickly and cruelly wears down our humanity, I want to tell you that not everything ends there. There is a path full of hope that allows us to give our complicated existence a victorious end, in any situation. Now, the complexities of life that absorb and consume our days, have been an obstacle to follow the triumphant path. The Lord Jesus Christ says: “few are those who find it” referring to the way to heaven, and He also affirmed “many are called and few are chosen”. This book is a call to the conscience to join the group of the chosen and reach what God has prepared for those who believe.

About the Author

Deep in the heart of every person caresses the idea of salvation. The author has analyzed human behavior, for more than ten years, against the Divine proposal to lead him to eternal life. May he discover through these pages to what extent we have achieved the glorious project. The author, journalist and television producer for more than 35 years, has been a regular reader of the Bible for more than 40 years.