The Fire Couldn’t Burn Me

by Dr. Melinda Watts



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/24/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781664267954
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781664267961

About the Book

This book is my personal journey to show forth the glory of God in my life.
I pray that someone’s life is impacted to the point that they surmount from that place of devastation and become an overcomer. Although I was faced with many challenges in my life, they did not destroy what the Lord had in store for me. I had to arise from the ashes of shame, guilt, and defeat and burn with the passion of God. Once his consuming fire burned away the chaff in my life, that which was meant to destroy me became the instruments he used to perfect me. The Good Shepherd led me into victory after victory. I totally surrendered to his will and began to trust his process. The rejection, persecution and pain launched me into a greater walk with my savior. The purpose of this book is to encourage individuals that no matter what their circumstances are, with Christ, you can conquer them. He is that consuming fire that wants to perpetually change our lives from glory to glory. Let his light shine in and on your situation and watch him change your story.
Dr. Melinda W Watts

About the Author

Dr. Melinda W. Watts is the daughter of Addie Mae Walker and Avery Bryant. A native of Washington DC. Her walk with the Lord started on September 22, 1989. Her gift of singing, teaching, preaching, and prophesying has set her before great men and women. Dr. Watts is using her gifts to advance the kingdom of God immensely. She accredits all the Glory to God.
Dr. Watts holds a Doctorate Degree in Theology from the School of the Great Commission. She is the Campus Dean of IIWC School of the Great Commission in Columbia, Maryland and Wahiawa, Hawaii. She is the Founder of the following ministries: Integrity International Worship Center Batesburg SC and Integrity International Center Wahiawa Hawaii. In addition, she has a nonprofit organization for women and children called Hagar’s Restoration Home. It offers Hope, acceptance, grace, assurance, and restoration.
She has founded several outreach ministries such as Single Yet Unique, Cup of Coffee with Jesus Podcast and Beyond Walls Outreach. Dr. Watt is an anointed psalmist who has recorded several musical projects such as Be Still, Faithful, and a single written by her daughter Phaedra Jones entitled You Alone. Her Motto is I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Dr. Watts is the wife of Minister Ronald Watts. They have a family of nine children and eight grandchildren. They reside In Columbia, Maryland.
She has now accepted the mandate to reach the masses locally, nationally, and internationally.
Thanks so much for purchasing this book. Proceeds go to help women in crisis.
If you would like more information about Hagar’s Restoration House, in need of a Preacher, Psalmist or motivational speaker please feel free to contact me: