The Pastors' Diaries

An Intimate Look Behind The Pulpit

by Dr. Larry L. Anderson Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/27/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781664272507
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781664272514
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781664272521

About the Book

The Pastors’ Diaries was written to help pastors recognize that some of their most private and convicting thoughts and challenging circumstances are not unique to them. It’s designed to help pastors navigate these overwhelming situations with the resource of actual lived experiences that have led to massive failures or amazing triumphs.
Throughout the book you will read detailed accounts as communicated by the pastors sharing intimate details of their pastoral journey, much of which has never been shared in a public format. Real people and real stories fill these pages, some of them are unbelievable and hilarious while others may leave you in tears heartbroken and bewildered at how the body of Christ could survive this long with this much dysfunction.
With the increasing suicide rate of pastors, the mass exodus of pastors from the pastorate, the porn addiction of pastors and the shear depression of pastors being so alarming, something must be said and done to challenge the trajectory of this epidemic. I pray that this book will validate the Pressure, Pain, Pride, Power, Passion, and Pedestal a Pastor experiences and also give them the freedom to take the steps necessary to respond to these situations and Persevere from them in healthy ways.
Another goal of this book is to help the church member have a better understanding of the person that sits in that middle chair and stand behind that sacred podium so they can have realistic expectations of the human they’ve empowered to shepherd them and as a result, learn how to love them appropriately. Coincidentally, they will discover that no one in all of church has experienced more offenses than the ones called to lead and yet they have in most cases remained faithful and in place until God decided to move them.

About the Author

Larry L. Anderson Jr. is a North Philadelphia native who now resides in Glenside, PA. The Lord has blessed him with a wonderful wife, Kim and three beautiful children, Marquis, Darius, and Gabrielle.
Dr. Anderson graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University (Cairn Univ.) with a B.S. in Bible He has received his Master of Divinity and his Doctorate in Ministry Degrees from Biblical Theological Seminary, (Missio Seminary).
Dr. Anderson became the Sr. Pastor of Great Commission Church located in Philadelphia PA in September 2004. Dr. Anderson was the first African American Professor to serve on the faculty of Biblical Theological Seminary. He established the Urban MDiv program to help train and serve pastors and churches called to minister in the urban context.
Dr. Anderson joined the Staff of the Baptist Resource Network of the Southern Baptist Convention in April 2013. He is the Director of Healthy Churches and Evangelism overseeing 350 churches throughout Pennsylvania and South Jersey. In November 2020 Dr. Anderson was elected The National President of The State Directors of Evangelism for the Southern Baptist Convention.
Dr. Anderson serves as the Board Chairman for Community Forgiveness and Restoration, an initiative designed to battle against Recidivism. The Chairman of Community Ethics and Justice Coalition an initiative to move the BRN from Racial Reconciliation to Racial Restoration. The Chairman of Mansion Hope a non-profit designed to reach the people of Strawberry Mansion in order to promote dignity, peace and a flourishing community through acts of service by cultivating opportunities for healing and development.
Dr. Anderson is the co-author of the book ‘Ask Me Why I’m Not In Church’ released in June 2019 on Westbow Press.