The Leader's Character

by Dr. Gregory L. Cruell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/28/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781664288683
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781664288690
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781664288706

About the Book

The Department Of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms defines responsibility as, the obligation to carry forward an assigned task to a successful conclusion. With responsibility comes authority to direct and take the necessary action to ensure success. Simply put, the practicing and developing leader has the ability to respond." This book is about the leader's responsibility to never stop reinforcing and developing character that people want to follow. No organization is going to place someone in a position of responsibility without trusting or believing that the leader possesses the character and necessary ability for successful accomplishment of it's most important task; leading the organization's people.

About the Author

Dr. Cruell holds the distinct privilege of serving as the 2nd African American Chaplain in the over 200-year history of the United States Military Academy, West Point from June 2000 - June 2005. In addition, Dr. Cruell served as the Ethics Instructor at the United States Army and Armor Center, Fort Knox, Kentucky from June 1998 – May 2000. His highest military award is the Legion of Merit. He has a Doctorate in Leadership from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Master of Philosophy (Ethics) degree from Georgia State University. Dr. Cruell is also a graduate of the United States Army Command and General Staff College. Dr. Cruell has been faithfully married to his wife and best friend Deirdre for 40 years. They are the proud parents of 3 children and 12 grandchildren. Dr. Cruell’s mission is to “Make A Difference Through Mentorship” and you make a difference one life at a time.