Discovering The Gospel According to You

A Basic Primer on Theological Exploration

by Allen E Henninger MDiv



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/6/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664282490
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664282483

About the Book

If you want to fulfill the commandment “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all Creation” (Mark 16:15), you must have a competent knowledge of the good news about Jesus.
By arriving at your own understanding of who He is and what His plan is for humanity, you’ll be equipped to efficiently share his life saving truths with others.
In this book, the author seeks to help Christians who want to learn of Him and from Him. He urges readers to ask questions such as:
• What do you personally believe about Christ and His kingdom?
• What essential doctrines must you adhere to if you want to claim to be a Christian?
• Do your discovered beliefs pass the Reality “sniff test?”
The author also stresses that unless you are living a holy life, your pursuit of “the gospel according to you” is futile. God only tells His deep truths to those who are living in obedience to Him and His Word. He also only tells His mysteries to those who care to know.

About the Author

Allen E. Henninger earned his Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. He has served as a missionary, a pastor, a Bible teacher, and a worship leader in many locations and settings. He recently retired as an electronic audio technician from the Los Angeles County Internal Services Department, where he worked nineteen years. He has three elder children and lives in southern California with his wife and newly adopted son.