Voices of the Soul

The Song of Transformation

by Dr. Barbara Byers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/26/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781664297067
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781664297050
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781664297074

About the Book

What would it be like to live with a sense of deep well-being, responsive emotions, well-ordered thoughts, a clear conscience, and a will free to choose? Voices of the Soul focuses on soul health—spiritual formation and transformation for those who desire greater depth and growth. Borrowing from and building on the works of Dr. Carla Waterman, Leanne Payne, C. S. Lewis, and Dr. Dallas Willard, this study works from a grace-filled, Spirit-empowered, biblical perspective and offers more than inner healing. It describes the hidden dimensions of the soul’s architecture, explores how they can become damaged, and provides specific healing practices for wholeness. Each chapter invites you to pause and reflect, building toward personal application and further development. What is sore and disordered can be identified, reshaped, and reordered by the healing power of the cross. As you resolve hindrances to maturity, you can experience restoration and healing, growing into your authentic self with Christ at the center. This uplifting guide explains the interactive nature of the Lord’s deep transformation of our souls, with practical steps for personal growth and healing.

About the Author

Dr. Barbara Byers holds a PhD in counselor education from Regent University. Now retired from a twenty-year counseling practice, she has seen firsthand the fractures of the soul that can keep people from living truly abundant lives. She resides in the Dallas–Fort Worth area and enjoys spending time with her adult children and grandchildren, who are scattered across Texas. Visit her online at www.drbarbarabyers.com and on her YouTube channel.