Breaking Free
From Demons to Discipleship
Book Details
About the Book
"Breaking Free: From Demons to Discipleship" is an approach to the study of good and evil through the eyes of a madman known as "Legion". While Legion may have lived long ago, the reign of evil in the human heart rages on, even to this day. With Jesus, there is healing--and because of that one fact alone--we have been given every reason in this world to have hope. To pray, and know that we are heard; to turn and feel the warm embrace of our Savior. The One who loves us beyond all reason.
About the Author
Writing straight from the heart, Wendy's words flow with unbridled abandon, both in conversational style and a perfected turn-of-phrase. Reading her work is reminiscent of a Max Lucado style of writing: soul-wrenching honesty and a refreshing reflection of ancient truths. Wendy Sykes Jones is a Certified Layspeaker, Stephen Minister, and received concentrated study in the area of Spiritual Formation from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. You can read more of her writings on her blog: