A Reflection of How Jesus Cares

A true story of family, heartbreak, trauma, faith, miracles, and deliverance, brings glory to His name!

by Judy Redd Wilbanks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/27/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 266
ISBN : 9798385000821
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 266
ISBN : 9798385000838
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 266
ISBN : 9798385000845

About the Book

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

A Reflection of How Jesus Cares, portrays the miracle-working power of God in the life of Judy Redd Wilbanks.

We all have a story, and not all stories are about a perfect life. Some include heartbreak, abuse, poverty, or sickness. Life has many aspects. There is the normal and abnormal side of life, and the combination of the two.

The normal side of life is when all goes well and we have peace, joy, and love. The abnormal side is when, out of nowhere, life is turned upside down. The normal we can take; it is the abnormal that can destroy us.

A Reflection of How Jesus Cares consist of both the normal and abnormal sides of life and how Judy Redd Wilbanks experienced God’s love and care in every stage and aspect of her life. Even in the worst times, God turned it around for good, to bring glory to His name.

About the Author

Judy Redd Wilbanks came to know and love Jesus, as a child. The realization that, “Jesus loves me!” was the foundation of her faith in Him throughout her life.

Even in times of trials and tribulations, Jesus was the person who gave her the inner strength to be an overcomer. For without His love, care, and protection, the testimonies in her story would not have been possible.

During this time, she was a wife, mother, commercial artist, painter, and sculptor. Then with a single message, A Reflection of How Jesus Cares, God provided her with a ministry of speaking and teaching His Word to proclaim Jesus’ love and care. For the first time in her life, she realized life was more than abuse.

Judy’s prayer is that others may be encouraged and uplifted in their faith by her personal life and testimonies as she continues to share the goodness of the Lord.