The Gospel has been hidden from time immemorial. It was first revealed to us some two thousand years ago by a young Jewish man named John, who went about baptizing people, and it was later expounded upon by Jesus of Nazareth. In the first century AD, after the death of Jesus, the Gospel was preached throughout the civilized world. The Gospel received much opposition, as is revealed to in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.
When Christianity first came on the scene, it created such an upheaval of current beliefs that there was widespread retaliation against it. The facts state that by AD 70, the leaders and vocal members of the Christian community had all but been executed, incarcerated, or forced into hiding.
Christianity was more than a thorn in the side of the Roman Empire. As political entities go, Rome was no different than the times we live in today. After doing everything they could to destroy and eradicate Christianity, they ended up creating their own homogenous Christian faith. They transposed everything pagan onto Christianity and eliminated everything that was Christian from it. It may have been one of the greatest fetes of diplomacy in political history. They smoothed the conflict between the existing religions and created a new state religion.
The major point of contention between Jews and Christians was that the Christians professed that Jesus was the only begotten Son of God, the Firstborn of creation. Jews, as do Muslims today, believe that there is only One God, and He did not beget a Son.
Believing that Jesus is God’s only begotten Son is the key to the faith that empowers us to overcome temptation and sin. Not believing that Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father will leave a person in the same situation that the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, found themselves in when they tried to exorcise a demon. Acts 19:14–16 describes how the seven sons called on the name of Jesus, trying to imitate Christians doing the same thing. Having no faith in who Jesus was, the demon-possessed man arose and beat the seven sons senseless.
The efforts of politicians and religious leaders to bring about peace between the current religions involved efforts of reconciliation. That reconciliation has given us today what has become known as Christianity, a pale ghost of the Way that was preached in the beginning. It pacified everyone; Christianity became ritual and celebratory. If you try to be a nice person, go to church on Sunday, attend Easter and Christmas services, say your prayers, give to the local charity, and acknowledge you’re a sinner, God will forgive you. These are all pagan beliefs. Worshipping national and community deities was encouraged—just as various Christian sects today are encouraged to worship the likes of the queen of heaven and her entourage.
Included in Jesus’s preaching was His recollections of how all of the prophets who had been sent to Israel before Him were rejected and many of them were tortured and executed.
Since the beginning of time, humanity has attempted to eradicate any knowledge of God and His plans for humanity. People have continued in the pursuits that Eve began in the Garden of Eden. Since Eve, mankind has chosen to build their own temples and churches, and to follow the dictates of their own hearts.
Because of humanity’s obstinacy, God surreptitiously inspired a select number of men to document various histories and writings of the Israelites in the Old and New Testaments. Throughout these histories and writings, God intervened in such a way that when they were recorded, they would actually paint a mosaic of God’s intentions and purposes towards humanity.
Even theologians have theorized that two of the Gospels in the New Testament alluded to a preceding document, which is commonly referred to as the Q Source. They assume that this document was either destroyed or shared orally. Theories of written and oral traditions and beliefs of the Bible abound.
The Bible, in its entirety, is the source of an encrypted message from God to humanity. As has been documented in the Bible, the writers of the books of the Old Testament did not fully understand what they were writing. Various writers revealed various aspects of God’s final plan for humanity.
The encrypted message that is contained in the Bible could better be identified as the Gospel. Paul, as did the other Apostles and writers of the New Testament, used the Old Testament to preach the Gospel.
Paul did not use cleverly devised cliches to convince his audience. He used painstaking arguments that could not be refuted. Arguments that took days and weeks to fully develop in order to convince the few. These were tough crowds, but with the aid of God’s Holy Spirit the Gospel was preached orally. The letters written by Paul and the other writers of the New Testament, were letters of exhortation, building on doctrine that had already been preached and believed. Trying to understand the Gospel from the hodgepodge of minuscule fragments of God’s design found throughout the New Testament can be an extremely difficult enterprise and one that has never yet been fully realized.
The current understanding of the Gospel is left to the recitation of a few Bible verses, but a full understanding and explanation of that Gospel is a challenge that has yet to be met.
What has been hidden for almost two thousand years is now revealed.