Road Trip Evangelists


by Ed Wacaster



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2025

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9798385039555
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9798385039531
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9798385039548

About the Book

Bob and Larry, best friends since high school, are evangelists who travel the country and stop at churches when God tells them to stop. Most of the time, they are there to listen to the challenges each church is facing, help with a service or two, and perform any needed repairs before moving on. When Bob and Larry stop in Southwind, Nevada, they feel that God has something important for them to accomplish there. When they arrive in a church parking lot, they are met by Pastor Brown who takes them into his office and reveals that although his congregation is full of good people, he cannot get them to respond to his preaching. Brown feels the congregation has gone cold to the Holy Spirit because a teenage girl was recently raped and murdered in Southwind, and the perpetrator has not been found. As Bob and Larry begin working to uplift the pastor and his congregation, now only time will tell if their prayers will be answered and miracles will unfold or if Satan will have his way and destroy the church forever. In this Christian novel, two evangelists arrive in Southwind, Nevada, to guide a church through challenges after a local murder leaves the congregation reeling.

About the Author

Ed Wacaster became a Christian at age twelve, a decision that helped him through the army as a military policeman and drill sergeant. His career has included roles serving as a youth pastor, crisis counselor, and mortgage professional with a radio show. Ed has three children. Road Trip Evangelists is his first book.