Sharing My Faith in God and His Promise of a Miracle Before It Happens

by Kathy Puder



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9798385005178
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9798385005161

About the Book

Kathy Puder shares some of the incredible ways she has experienced God’s presence through events in nature, and in life, in this book. A few times, she has audibly heard God calling out to her to give her guidance, assurance, and direction during some very difficult times. It was during one of those moments that she heard God share His promise of healing her. In this book, she will share a little about that time, and His promise, before the miracle happens. She also reveals encounters a few of her friends have also had, in which they audibly heard a promise from God and the miracles that followed for them, or their loved ones, who God had healed. Throughout this book, the author emphasizes that when we put faith first, it is amazing to see the beauty that He graces us with. When we display our faith for others to see, are sharing God’s love with others, and are encouraging others to grow in, or start their walk with God, we will be fulfilling our mission as children of God.

About the Author

Kathy Puder is a retired homeschool mom and has a YouTube channel called The American Film Series where you can hear veteran’s military stories about their service to our country. She is also an associate writer and assistant director of two faith-based films: Driver’s Chronicles, and Unfaithful Espionage, and is an author of a children’s book: It Was the Morning of Christmas. Kathy lives in Woodstock, Georgia with her husband, Cliff, and their three adult children, Jackie, Codie, and Sydney.