The Lifestyle of Prayer

Life’s Journey

by D. S. Broderick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9798385025183
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9798385025190

About the Book

Have you ever wondered why your prayers aren’t answered, and feel frustrated when others, who should be able to support you through prayer, fall short? Life presents us with many challenging situations, but there is an answer through Christ Jesus and in prayer, where you can find all the solutions you need. Jesus prayed and was empowered to overcome many obstacles. He emerged from his prayer time equipped to face the challenges ahead. Why? Because he made prayer a regular part of his life, which led to numerous victories. My brothers and sisters, you have the same ability. It is not a gift, but a requirement for believers: to pray. As you journey through life, immersing yourself in the Word, praying, praising, and loving your fellow humans, your heart and mind will be stirred. Prayer is a lifestyle, and through it, you can maintain and sustain the power of Christ. There is an answer for life’s challenges, and it is through prayer.

About the Author

D-Andre is a native of Charleston, South Carolina. He is a son, grandson, brother, godfather, and a committed servant to Christ. He has dedicated 22 years of military service to his country and has faithfully served several churches. He gave his life to Christ in April 2000 and since then has devoted his life to seeking God for the answers of life and godliness.