The Well Wo-Man

Spirit, Soul, and Body

by Ron Blackman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/25/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9798385020447
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9798385020430
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9798385020423

About the Book

Astounding revelations from a simple story of a woman, a man (Jesus), a well, 3 cities and a rich man. Written from the perspectives of the dimensions of which God and man are comprised, Spirit, Soul and Body, this simple story reveals the complexity of what's hidden in plain sight when observed from these 3 perspectives. These approaches may cause you to observe life and your own through new eyes. Not only were there spiritual observations but Jesus used this text to address Mental Health, Religion, Financial and Social and Political ideologies then and now.

The Word (Bible) is God's inspired Word made 'flesh' and so it is too subject to Spirit, Soul and Body in its analysis and interpretation. It informs how we show up in the world and drives how we interact with it, if we choose to do so at all. I hope that you're intrigued to experience what's hidden beneath the innocuous layers in this unassuming chapter of John 4. You'll be pleasantly surprised and delighted!

You should have this in your library and you'll want to share with friends and family.

About the Author

Raised in a strict Pentecostal church background but Ron Blackman has evolved into a fuller understanding of God’s love causing him to question and challenge some of his more traditional learnings. Looking at his history, he himself questions why God would choose him to share this work. He’s just like you if you’ve ever self-disqualified or wondered if God even loves you or cares, while simultaneously experiencing God’s loves beyond measure (for us all). He’s humbled by the revelation God has shared and knows he must share it with you. He’s a professional, ivy-educated while sometimes blissfully ignorant, a son, brother and loving father/brother to his little brother. He’s not an ordained Minister nor Preacher but loves God and is a lover of the Word. He is perfectly flawed but thankful that God is using those flaws to qualify him.