A Collection of Poems

by Bianca Irene



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9798385004799
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9798385004720

About the Book

Can you lose something intangible? And if so, can it be found again?

Femininity is a poetic journey to rediscover true identity and womanhood in the face of fear, trauma, and cultural pressures.

Will you unearth the lost parts of you while reading? I hope so, but if not, at least you'll know you're not alone on your journey.

About the Author

Bianca Irene was raised with her two brothers in the heart of Miami by her parents that work in television. She has always had a heart for communication and art, having studied photography and graphic design. Bianca has been writing poetry for over a decade, performing her Spoken Word poetry throughout Miami and New York. Bianca became a born again Christian at the age of 18 years old and is passionate about telling the world about Jesus’ saving grace. At the age of 21, she married her husband Sebastian Corriero who is a musician and songwriter. She is the owner of a Christian clothing line, Oil Clothing, Co. After giving birth to her firstborn, Bianca has written and published her first book Femininity.

To connect with Bianca Irene you may email her at biancairenewrites@gmail.com or follow her on Instagram @bianca_irene