Christian and Leadership Hidden Traps to Avoid
Warning! Pastors, Christians and Leaders
Book Details
About the Book
Christian and Leadership Traps to avoid is an eye opener to men and women in leadership positions to prevent them from falling into the traps set to fall them.
About the Author
Dr. Tai Olamigoke is the senior pastor of House of David Church of God in Houston. He is a gifted teacher, intercessor and has a passion for soul winning and touching the untouchable.
Pastor Tai, with members of his congregation, reaches out to the less privileged by feeding and clothing them. He has travelled to several countries preaching the gospel. Pastor Tai testifies about the healing power of God, which he received in 1983 after God miraculously healed him of an incurable disease, which almost took his life. He is the author of the book Healing for the Incurable. He is married to Pastor Caroline and blessed with two wonderful children who are blessings to this generation. He is blessed with several spiritual children who he mentors in the way of the Lord.