Don’t Give Up!
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
-Galatians 6:9 ESV
Thomas Edison had one thousand unsuccessful attempts at inventing the lightbulb. He could have given up, but tried once more, and on his one thousand and first attempt, he succeeded. Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty, lost eight elections, had two failed businesses, and suffered a nervous breakdown on his path to presidency, yet he did not give up, and went on to become one of history’s greatest presidents.
You may be asking yourself, “What do Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln have to do with me? I’m nobody special.” Aren’t you though? The only thing that separates those who do from those who do not is their determination not to give up.
You may be contemplating giving up today. You give, but you see no gratitude. You sow, but you do not yet reap. You serve yet feel as though no difference is being made. You pray, but still the answer does not come. Some days, it is all you can do to keep putting one foot in front of the other in your walk with Christ. It seems as though you face opposition with every step, and you fight the desire to quit and turn back.
Let me assure you, my friend, in due season, you will reap if you do not give up. The seeds you are sowing today will bring a harvest if you just keep watering. Those prayers you are praying are heard by the Father, and answers are going to come in His perfect timing. And that opposition you are facing? That just means you are headed in the right direction! It means you are making a difference in God’s kingdom, and thus, have become a threat to the enemy. Well done!
Keep your head up! Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Take it moment by moment, and just do the next right thing.
While you’re waiting, serve. While you’re waiting, worship. In due season, you are going to reap a harvest if you don’t give up! You may have prayed a thousand times, but pray a thousand and one. Your victory may very well be one more breathe away!
Diamonds are made under tremendous amounts of pressure over prolonged periods of time. It’s not until they are pressed and crushed from all sides that they shine forth like the sun. You are in God’s refining process, and you are going to come forth shining!
Be encouraged today! Don’t give up!
Prayer: Father, You have shown me so many times in Your word and in my own life that You are always faithful to answer me at just the right time. Your rescue is always timely. Your provision is always certain. Help me in times of waiting, times when I’m giving but do not yet see the reward, or times when I pray but do not yet hear Your answer, to hold on to my faith. Help me never to give up, even in the face of adversity and hardship. I know in due season I will reap if I do not faint. Thank You for Your strength. In Jesus’ name. Amen.