Seeing glimpses of God’s grace when you are blinded by grief
Book Details
About the Book
Grief is a life changer. It’s a life experience that everyone will have to endure at some point in time. Most of us live our lives in knowing this, but when a loss occurs, we can still be blindsided and spiritually crushed by it. Once a tragedy occurs, grief takes you on a journey, and you must go reluctantly, along for the ride. Sometimes kicking and screaming, other times stoic and numb. But grief will be with you…always. The inception of #somethinggoodeveryday was a cry out to God to help make sense of something that seemed so unfair and senseless. It was an attempt to get an answer or a comforting notion that this situation would change, and that it would turn out to my liking. The posts and pictures did not change what was to happen…but they did eventually change me. Little whispers everyday about who God is, His love, His trustworthiness and His comfort started raining down like a welcome thunderstorm after a drought. I drank it in, shared it when I could on social media and finally compiled a portion of what I wrote down and posted, of walking through each day with this intruder called grief ever at my side and looking for something good every day. The grief walk is not easy, it’ll challenge you even on the good days. Look for the goodness of God in everyday, it’s there and it will help you process and live with grief in “do-able doses” as you continue on, one step, one breath and every broken, beautiful moment at a time.
About the Author
Charleen Thornton Berg has a clear perspective on walking through grief with hope. Her unique situation of losing two husbands to the same disease has led her to a deeper knowledge and longing for the hope we can all have in Christ. Charleen is the mother of four grown daughters, Amanda, Jamie, Rebecca-Lynn and Carlee Mei. She loves doing life with her friends, her children and five grandchildren (so far) and has retired from teaching school. Charleen persists to teach, and grow continuously in faith, hope and love. Her writing abilities came to light during the darkest time in her life. It was truly a gift from God to comfort and give encouragement to others who are grieving , as she learned to do, in God’s grace.