Through this study, I have not only personally grown in knowledge of our Great Creator, but I also had richly intensified supernatural experiences in my relationship with the LORD in fresh new ways. This study has deepened my understanding of who God is and has revolutionized my perspective on literally everything. This study has indeed helped me, and others see life through a biblical perspective, i.e., through God’s eyes, in a much greater way. It is this author’s sincere prayer that through this devotional-style study, you would be enriched in your relationship with your Creator and also intensify your ability to view life from a top-down, heavenly perspective in a greater way than ever before.
This inspirational-style study indeed brings a freshness to the approach of the entire creation story. In particular, there are some new and several fascinating contributions this work offers to the subject of creation. To name a few would be: …
… Therefore, let us focus on these two things: first, who God is, as defined by Scripture, and secondly in so doing, focus on seeing His Story through His eyes. His story about creation points to His glory and majesty, and it points humanity to Himself. …
Most approaches to this portion of inspired Scripture are either scientific, exegetical, or solely literary. Treating Scripture as a piece of literary specimen in scientific research mode. These methods are not rejected here; however, our approach, attitude, and application adds another dimension and perspective. This approach is simple. Notice the italicizing of the word “His.” His story to us cannot be over-emphasized. In other words, it is His story, not ours. We cannot look at the creation story through just research mode and human understanding. We must find God’s mind and view, which is found in who He is, as revealed in Scripture. Our approach to God and thereby, His creation, is based on how Scripture reveals His character and attributes. We view through this lens. The lens to view Scripture through MUST be through the nature, character, and attributes of God as revealed in Scripture. The miracle of creation is way beyond our 3-dimensional world and understanding. Therefore, we must start with what Scripture reveals about the Creator Himself FIRST – “In the beginning GOD …”
This approach is a top-down approach; from heaven’s perspective; seeing God’s message through His eyes and understanding. This requires knowing Him and His Word intimately. It’s truly the only way.
As the new intern Chaplain, in a popular city settled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, I was surrounded by retired professors, doctors, lawyers, and other wealthy retirees. They had graciously invited me to dinner in the main dining room of their prestigious assisted-living healthcare facility. The topic of conversation was rather surprising; they questioned me with a hint of contempt in their voices: “Do you really believe in miracles? That Jesus walked on water? That Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead? That He healed people? That He Himself rose bodily from the dead?” I knew they were sizing me up and whatever my response would be, if it did not fit their theological frame of reference, I would not be accepted and have the openness from them to minister to them. I also immediately thought of the verse: “But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:33). I was God’s representative there, just not allowed to proselytize. I needed God’s wisdom to be able to minister to them for the long-haul. I was not there to be their teacher but to spiritually care for them and support them in their laments. So, I responded by saying, …
Surprisingly, they then went straight to questioning me about the Genesis creation account. I thought to myself: “Wow, this is significant!” Why would they go from miracles straight to the creation account? Could it be offensive that creation be considered a miraculous event and not by natural means?”
… Emphasizing the nature of God’s holiness is a major key factor, along with all His other amazing attributes described. A characteristic to emphasize now is that Yahweh is light. Light is a consistent emblem for YHWH in Hebraic literature. …
In the next chapter, we will discover how this ultra, pure light (laser beam effect) does not devour the material universe; Because we observe something else right at the start of creation – “darkness.”
Gen. 1:2 is absolutely the most misunderstood verse in the Bible. Mainly because we read through our modern filters and not from the top-down perspective in its original context. …
… Two realities, two perspectives, from two different dimensions – both are true; but seeing through the heavenly lens is the only way miracles are seen and produced!
Genesis 1:1, Independent or Dependent Clause?
How Can We Know Which is Correct & What Difference Would It Make?
Great Semitic linguists teach that we should start by the language or grammar itself. This is wisdom; however, some camp out here and actually say it is the key to understanding the account. A great and favorite scholar and Semitic linguist of mine has said that “clause structure is the key, to understanding that Genesis 1:1-3 can be taken a variety of ways.” He is correct in saying that clause structure can lead to different interpretations; BUT this is exactly why it is NOT the total key to understanding the passage! Grammar and clause absolutely need to be evaluated and studied, but we must engage other aspects or analyses to determine if an interpretation is workable or not.
To establish a concrete principle or doctrine, each truth must stand alone and agree with the others from beginning to end. There are many factors to analyze this portion of Scripture with, as we will explore. I put together a series of six tests that scholars should apply when analyzing Genesis. The test results must be true, and in agreement/harmony with one another. …