You Will Be Sane

From the Ashes of Domestic Abuse to the Beauty of Freedom

by Elena Dror



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/8/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9798385014613
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9798385014637
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9798385014620

About the Book

Domestic abuse is a term Elena never thought, in a million years, she would ever be able to apply to her personal life. She is a smart, educated woman. Independent, strong, and confident, and could never understand how a woman would stay in a relationship with a man that was hurting her or - worse - hurting her children.

But she was that woman.

For 10 years, Elena was married to a man that belittled, degraded, isolated her…and hit her children. There are many other women that have been in similar situations, and situations so much worse than hers, whether they lasted less than a year or more than 30. They are all a part of a club they never wanted to join: domestic abuse.

This is not a story meant to draw tears to your eyes or well up pity in your heart. This is a story of faith, strength, and perseverance. This is a story to help break down the stereotypes and misconceptions of what “kind of woman” ends up in a situation like Elena’s, and how there is a loving Savior who desires healing and grace for our lives.

This is not a pretty story (domestic abuse never is) but hang in there as you travel with Elena through the ashes of abuse into the beauty of God’s freedom. Discover how you (or someone you know) can find freedom and healing through Christ; of how He can restore your soul.

If you are in or have escaped domestic abuse, take heart, friend: You will be sane.

About the Author

Elena lives with her husband, four beautiful children, and a miniature goldendoodle. She enjoys volunteering at church in the worship team and kids’ Sunday school. She is the director of a local homeschool community and works in leadership within a national homeschool organization.

When outdoors, the Drors go hiking, biking, kayaking, or doing pretty much anything active or adventurous. For indoor fun, they enjoy bowling, reading, and family movie nights.

Elena’s prayer is that one day, the message God has put in her heart will spread across America. And that God will use her story and the message in her heart regarding the biblical roles of husband and wife to effect true change and help prevent future abusive relationships by building strong, resilient families and churches.