Walking In ALOHA

5 Steps to Living Your God Potential Life

by Phoenix Rose



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/29/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9798385013548
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9798385013562

About the Book

Discover the Path to Your Divine Destiny through “Walking in ALOHA” Rise from adversity and seize your true purpose. Phoenix Rose’s journey from the clutches of domestic violence to a life illuminated by faith is a testament to the unyielding human spirit. Embracing the power of ALOHA transformed her life, and now she shares this gift to ignite your God-given potential. From before your very first breath, God crafted a unique plan for you. It’s time to step into that calling, transforming fear into unwavering faith. Join us on a transformative odyssey with the A.L.O.H.A. method: A: Affirmations & Actions L: Love & Leadership O: Overcoming Obstacles H: Health & Healing A: Acute Awareness Learn how to turn fear into faith, release doubts, and develop new skills for a brighter, purpose-driven future. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking spiritual growth, personal development, and a path to healing and resilience. It’s time to fulfill your destiny as outlined by God. What He has started, He will complete. Transform your life with the principles of ALOHA and paint a new, vibrant future. E Komo Mai! Welcome to your transformative journey of Walking in ALOHA. Begin your path to a fulfilling and purposeful life today.”

About the Author

Phoenix Rose exemplifies the transformative journey from adversity to triumph. Rising from the ashes of domestic violence, her life is a testament to the resilience and strength found in unwavering faith. Her extraordinary path of survival against the odds is a beacon of hope for authors, artists, and creatives seeking inspiration. As an accomplished author, Phoenix Rose crafts narratives that resonate deeply with readers, illuminating the power of God’s love and redemption. Her work is a source of motivation for fellow authors, demonstrating the profound impact of storytelling in transforming lives. Her artistic prowess extends beyond writing to art and photography, where she captures life’s divine beauty, inspiring artists and creatives to see the world through a lens of hope and wonder. As a Creative Coach, Phoenix guides innovators and individuals in discovering and harnessing their God-given potential, empowering them to find their unique purpose and to use their God-given gifts and talents. Phoenix Rose’s journey is more than a story; it’s a roadmap for anyone in the creative and innovative fields seeking to overcome challenges and shine brightly. Her life is a vivid illustration of the human spirit’s capacity to overcome adversity, empowered by faith, and emerge victorious, much like a phoenix reborn, rising from the ashes.