
Fifty conversations with God

by Lisa Bruton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/3/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9798385023424
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9798385023417

About the Book

In your hands rests a book that will become your treasure. Inside are fifty questions that offer a launching place into conversations with God. Some questions will evoke wonder, others will require courage — but all are crafted to help you deepen your relationship with God and go further on your journey with Him.

The book is designed for you to go at your own pace. You can spend one day on a question, complete a few questions in a day, or enjoy sitting with one question over an entire week. You can skip a question (or questions) and come back when you are ready. The time spent with this book will help you realise just how fiercely loved you are and how incredibly valuable you are to the Father.

About the Author

Lisa Bruton is a speaker, podcaster, and founder and director of Arise Sanctuary, an organisation that offers luxury boutique retreats for women in locations around the world. She is passionate about creating spaces for others to slow down, connect to God and hear His voice. Lisa has spoken at conferences and churches throughout Australia and overseas, where she openly shares her heart, funny mishaps, lessons and revelations. Lisa is a wife to Matty and mum to two young girls, Aria and Coco. In her spare time, she loves to surf and travel with her family.