Building Your Abundant Life

A Deep Exploration and Passionate Application of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount

by Kasey Crawford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9798385025275
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9798385025299
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9798385025282

About the Book

Do you have a clear, compelling and comprehensive vision for your life? Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount is a visionary masterpiece, and a revolutionary manifesto. Through painting breathtaking vistas of who God is and who each of us is in God's eyes, to a radical call for the invasion of heaven upon earth through your everyday actions, Jesus provides us with a blueprint for the abundant life. Kasey Crawford reveals how Jesus’s teachings empower us to flourish even amidst the fiercest storms. Learn how to: • experience the grand adventure of apprenticing all of life under Jesus; • live out your purpose of intimately knowing God; • bask in your identity as God’s favored and beloved child; • fulfill your destiny of becoming more like Christ; • overcome anger, lust, lying and other character challenges; • overflow with hope, joy, love, and power; • develop a continuous communion with God through prayer. When you catch the vision of Jesus’s teachings and put them into practice, you’ll experience how God is astonishingly good, present, personal, and powerful in your life. You’ll also be equipped to release more of God’s Kingdom on earth as you embody His good news. You will learn to Build Your Abundant Life!

About the Author

Kasey Crawford is passionate about the holy collision of dynamic ideas from God’s word with everyday life. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in the Study of Religion from the University of California San Diego and two Master’s degrees from Fuller Seminary. In 2011, he and his wife Dawn, along with his parents and a few friends, planted Elevation Church SoCal in Menifee, CA, where he and Dawn co-lead today. His favorite adventure is partnering with Dawn to raise their three sons into men of courage and character, who know and love God.