Seeing the World in 3-D

Deception, Delusion, and Deliverance in the Last Days

by Denny Stahl



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9798385015047
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9798385015030

About the Book

We certainly live in interesting times, don’t we? Bombarded daily and constantly by information that seems to come from every direction and through all kinds of media, all sounding authoritative and accurate and making demands on us to take a stand for the “truth.” What used to be seen as debate has become a shouting match with the decibel level of the noise reaching deafening levels. Accusations about “misinformation” come from every side of every issue, and the efforts to “cancel” ideas and perspectives and even people have become the rage. In this hostile, uptight, angry culture, you may find it increasingly difficult to decide whom to trust, and what to believe. This book is written for anyone interested in truly developing an ability to see clearly through the fog so that he or she will be able to navigate the highway of life successfully without being distracted or diverted from the course God wants you to take.

About the Author

“Tune in, turn on, drop out.” That phrase rang out in the 1960’s as youth’s desperate cry of frustration and despair. Denny Stahl knew the despair and pain of drug addiction until he tuned in and was turned on to the solution to life’s emptiness: a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That was in 1969, early in the so-called Jesus Movement among young people throughout the world during the turbulent years of Vietnam and the Hippie sub-culture. “Where sin abounded, grace overflowed”.
A talented musician, vocalist, and composer, Denny ministered as a solo artist with Maranatha! Music during its infancy.
Denny was ordained as a pastor by the Applegate Christian Fellowship in 1984, and served in that capacity in several churches, most recently as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Grants Pass until 2018, when he became the Regional Manager in the Pacific Northwest for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Denny is now enjoying retirement and busy writing manuscripts for publication.
Since 2005, Denny has also served as a volunteer for Family Research Council, representing their Watchmen on the Wall initiative in the State of Oregon. Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, began the Watchmen on the Wall initiative to champion pastors to transform America.
Denny also served as Oregon State Director for Christians United For Israel 2011 - 2018. Since its humble beginning in 1992 as a meeting of 400 Christian leaders in San Antonio, Texas, Christians United for Israel has grown to 12 million members, the largest pro-Israel organization of its kind.
Denny and his wife of 39 years, Vickie, reside in a small town in Oregon and have three grown children and seven grandchildren.