Toward Light

by Rose Wilson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/9/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9798385022694
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9798385022700

About the Book

Ellie Parker cannot believe it has been over a year since Tommy died. Although she has brought herself and her four kids through the most difficult time in her life, her self-care is lacking, her energy is waning, and she is barely holding on some days. Thankfully, her church family and her best friend, Katie, have been by her side through all the hard days. When Ellie nervously agrees to sing again with the worship team at her church after a long absence, she feels Tommy’s loving presence, trusts that God still has good things waiting for her, and bravely takes the first step into a new future. But just as she is finally making strides to get her life back on track, Bo Channing shows up after three years away. Will she be able to forgive herself for her past feelings, process her grief, and allow God's goodness into her life in a way she never would have imagined? Toward Light is the inspirational story of a widow’s journey to heal after the death of her husband as she learns to trust herself and lean on God’s grace and love to find a new path forward.

About the Author

Rose Wilson teaches in a university’s Criminal Justice department, leads a missions ministry at her church, and is often a guest speaker on various topics regarding children and trauma. She lives in Texas with her husband and five children, and loves traveling and hiking with her family. Toward Light is her first book.