Come Early, Stay Late

Life in the Trenches of Small Group Ministry

by Dr. Jay Slife



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/5/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9798385024223
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9798385024216
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9798385024230

About the Book

Within the divine plan for humanity, which is the Kingdom of God, everybody who calls on the name of Jesus has a place. Everyone has a part, a responsibility, an importance in His Kingdom waiting for them to discover and walk out. This truth, when engaged and followed, brings purpose and value to you. It gives precise definition to who you are according to the Lord and King of it all. It is powerful and will become your lifeblood. All this happens in a healthy small group in someone’s living room that never could and never does happen on a Sunday morning.
I am writing this book for two reasons. One has to do with the burden to disciple those who know Jesus to the deepest level possible, and help them give that away to others - so that they too may get the message of Jesus, and live it out. The other reason is to help leaders, at any level, to make the shift, the transition to the New Testament pattern of ministry, which is clearly small group ministry.
This book is about small groups, about effective and life-giving leadership and ministry in that context. But it is also about helping good people who are stuck in a system they did not create. They just got stuck in it somewhere along the way. And now they don’t know what or where they are, and most of all, who they are. I get it because I’ve been through it. I thought it was the right way. I was taught it was the right way.
There are answers, from Scripture, from the Teacher. Yet the problem seems to continue to worsen. Let’s change that. Let’s learn to get much closer to the Creator and align with him as he changes that.

About the Author

Well over forty years ago, when Jay was six months old in the Lord, the leader of the small group he was attending asked him to take over the teaching and leadership of the group. He saw something in Jay that had not yet been recognized by him, which was the spiritual gifts of leadership, teaching, and preaching. He has been building, leading, multiplying, and investing into small groups of one variety or another ever since.
Currently, Jay is the founder and senior leader of reBuild, a harp-and-bowl style house of prayer, and the cofounder and a primary educator with The Build, a live and online training center aimed primarily at the millennial generation and their leaders. His forty-four years of ministry, including roles as planting and senior pastor, small group pastor, elder, and various other leadership positions, have equipped him well to raise up others in all facets of life, including the life of ministry. His passion is to help people find their place of depth, service, and purpose, thus bringing fulfillment to their walk with Jesus and glory to His name. He holds a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Apostolic Leadership and Applied Theology degrees.
Jay and his wife, Julia, have been married for forty-eight years, live in Colorado Springs, and have four wonderful adult children, all of whom are serving Jesus. They enjoy spending time together while hiking and biking, enjoying good coffee, and listening to good jazz. They also own a fifth-wheel trailer and enjoy traveling about the country!