Profound Awareness
Living, Learning, Loving, Laughing, and Leading in His Presence
Book Details
About the Book
Releasing my soul back to God was both frightening and exhiliarting. The most challenging aspect of release was understanding how the transforming salvation worked. My believer's prayer carried a deep sense of freedom... for that day. The draw of the world made it grow dim. My question became why? Since that fall afternoon in the late 70s, I have studied spiritual formation with one goal n mind, to share how intimacy with God works so that you will lead when called.
About the Author
Eric Palmu spent 35 years involved in secondary education and higher learning. His observations from youth to present of self and humanity have provided incredible insight for understanding the Story of God. The most pivotal episodes in his personal life are those in which he encountered God. The impact on his spiritual growth were both spiritual wrestling matches and positively life-changing. He describes his spiritual growth from fraud to freed as a traumatic transformation of the most intimate nature.