In Line for Jesus

by Thea Thomas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9798385035465
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9798385035458

About the Book

This book began as a study of Ruth. I wanted women to know that God can use an outsider like Ruth with a willing heart in powerful ways. But like all good stories, Ruth’s had a backstory. Trying to learn Ruth’s story led to the stories of the women before and after her. They all work together to create a path that leads us to Jesus. All stories begin and end with God. He is the Alpha and the Omega. So where to begin this particular study? Let’s begin with Jesus. Matthew 1 tells us about 5 women in the line of Jesus: Mary, Ruth, Rahab, Bathsheba and Tamar. Each of those women has a unique story. They come to God with brokenness, fear, anxiety and even sin. God uses them in the pages of His story for us, so that we can see that being broken and hurt and even sinful doesn’t have to be the end. God uses each of these women powerfully, despite their shortcomings and even despite their sins. God can use you too. Do you have a story? It’s far from over.

About the Author

THEA THOMAS has been active in women’s Bible studies for over 20 years. She began searching God’s word when she became a mom and understood the power of a parent’s love. When she realized that God felt that love for her, she needed to know more!