Psalms:Their Timeless Beauty and Powerful Impact

How the Psalms Alternate between Sorrow Offset by a Hint of Sweetness and Joy, Tempered by a Tinge of Sorrow

by James A. Manthey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/9/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9798385024278
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9798385024285

About the Book

The book includes scholarly research on the psalms in general, yielding much fascinating information useful to a reader seeking to become knowledgeable about the wonderful psalms. The main focus, however, consists of a collection of favorite psalms that have encouraged and inspired the author. This collection, it is hoped and assured, will do the same for the reader.

About the Author

Manthey writes from the heart as well as from experience: He believes the most powerfully impactful writing stems from personal experience. That is why he is leaning upon David, author of half of the psalms, as his guide. He has four previously published books, all Christian in nature, including a play for teens.