Dynamic Studies in the Letters of John and Jude

Bringing God's Word to Life

by Fred A. Scheeren



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/12/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798385025794
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798385025787

About the Book

This short series deals with a number of what are known as the New Testament Epistles. In particular we will begin with the three Epistles of John. John, a disciple of Jesus Christ, was one of the original twelve apostles, and on a personal level, is thought to be the person Jesus knew best. He is the author of no fewer than five books of the New Testament. This amounts to 8.3% of the New and Old Testaments combined and 20% of the books of the New Testament. The books he authored include, The Gospel of John, The First Letter of John, the Second Letter of John, the Third Letter of John, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Jude deals with a time that is called the Apostia, the great falling away. During this time many will refuse to listen to sound doctrine and be attracted to false teachers and heresies referenced in 2 Peter 2:1 and 2 Peter 3:3. Every believer should study Jude to understand the tactics of our enemy and stand against them.

Dr. Richard Freeman, Vice President of Chosen People Ministries, said, “I have found Fred Scheeren’s Bible study material to be quite thorough as well as extremely insightful. I have used it as a resource myself in preparing Bible studies for group study and for my own personal study of the Bible. I recommend it highly to others.”

Steve White, Ph.D., author and International Director of 21C International, said, “Fred hits a great blend of commentary, historical context, and practical application. The study questions are clear, thought-provoking and relevant. I could easily recommend this for either individual or group study.”

Robert T. Mason, former executive at an international firm and in his second career as a pastor said, “Fred has done it again!! He has a great way of opening up and explaining the Word of God.”

This sentiment was echoed by Dr. Dilo Paul, a materials scientist, who said, “I love these studies as they guide me through finding the answers to questions that arise during Bible study from the Bible itself.”

About the Author

Fred Scheeren is a distinguished Certified Financial Planner® and Managing Director-Investments with a major investment firm. Using his award-winning analytical skills and overwhelming passion for biblical study, Scheeren has carved out a second vocation as a speaker and now an author. Over the past fifty years he has presented numerous Bible studies to groups of different sizes and denominations.