GOD is My Anchor: The Holy Spirit Annealing Champions For God

by Cynthia Dvorsky Garcia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/24/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 350
ISBN : 9798385026494
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 350
ISBN : 9798385026487

About the Book

The Holy Spirit can: set us free, heal us, and bring us real hope and purpose. This divinely inspired collection of revelations will life coach you through all of life’s: pains, extreme heartbreak, anxieties, and mental health struggles. Through perseverance in prayer, the WORD, and abiding in Christ in a life-long journey there will be miracles in that there will be love, for: God, humanity, for who our maker purposed us to be.

About the Author

I’ve fallen many times in life, seen failure, hardship, tears, pain, and terrible suffering. I have stopped to wonder through it all, what is the truth, as to why we are here? And as I search for more and more answers to life’s most difficult questions, through it all, I have found that the joy of the Lord, is my strength and that God is the truth. He is not a religion, He is a friend and my Father despite never had one growing up, I always have one in Jehovah. Hanging on to the truth has given me: hope, strength to keep on going, and the understanding of why we need to be a humble servant for God no matter how hard the battles. The endurance required to reach towards the ultimate goal of where we are truly meant to be comes from God; not this broken, sin-marred world. Seek first the things of heaven and all else will be added to you.

Our website: https://godismyanchor.org , Please support us through prayer.