by Sekou Sowary



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/18/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9798385027804
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9798385027798

About the Book

Discover how the Quran promotes Jesus by putting him above all. I was a Muslim, but now I worship Jesus Christ and I am saved since then from all my sins by his blood. Believe in the profoundly simple Gospels, which is 1 John 3:23: “This is God’s command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another.” is verse is a salvation sermon with just two points: believe in Christ, and love others as you love yourself.

About the Author

I was born in Africa from Muslim parents in a Muslim community of West Africa. At the age of six, I started attending a Muslim school to learn the Quran and the pillars of Islam (faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage). As the fi rst born of my family, it was my duty to study the Quran and know the rules of Islam to become a proper heir. Every morning, I attended the Quranic School (madrassa), and there was no delay because my teacher was very severe. I had to know all my lessons impeccably. If not, I was punished by lashing. It was very painful for a six-year-old child. e Arabic language was unknown to me, but I had to learn Arabic or receive the lashes. It was child abuse, but I could not do anything to defend myself. My parents wished me to learn the Arabic language to read the Quran, and I had no one to help me. I was forced to undergo the torture of the Quranic School.