benefits of the Cross
A 30-Day Journey
Book Details
About the Book
“Once you have been to the cross, you will never be the same.” Dr. Bo found this to be true in his own life. Now, he takes us on a journey to discover the substantial benefits the cross offers us in our daily lives. This isn’t a dissection of theological concepts, but rather a guide to help you reflect and examine for yourself the wonders of the cross and the life-giving abundance that Jesus’ sacrifice has given each of us. Through daily contemplation, Dr. Bo invites you look to the cross to find redemption and hope---to never be the same!
About the Author
Bo Bryson, DC (aka, Dr. Bo) lives in Lincoln, NE with his better half, Jennifer. Together, they have four children: Eilam, Kale, Fallon and Isley. Dr. Bo has been in chiropractic practice for 21 years. He has learned that when one part, whether mind, body or spirit, is ‘out-of-alignment,’ the whole suffers. His goal is to help you: Stop Suffering & Start Living! Dr. Bo has two other publications: (1) Regain Movement, Stability & Your Life (2004. co-authored by Corey Campbell, DC). (2) Create a Trinity Lifestyle (2013). His favorite book is ‘Beautiful Outlaw’ by John Eldridge.