Because of Our Unbelief

Why America is in trouble today.

by Paul E Orman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/22/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9798385028580
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9798385028597
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9798385028603

About the Book

Because of Our Unbelief encompasses the social issues of our day and examines them from both a secular and a Biblical point of view. The issues that divide us as a nation. The issues that clearly show a battle for Good and Evil, that which is Right, and that which is Wrong. It shows how Holy Scripture may influence our thinking and help shape the important decisions we make in life. It outlines how we have abandoned our belief in God, the Creator, and how that has led us down a path of destruction. Both the Christian and non-Christian worldviews are examined and the affects they have on one another is examined. And it intends to show that our poor decisions are made due to our unbelief in God. For Christians our compromise of His moral truth, and for non-Christians the suppression of God’s Law written on our hearts and minds. And that if we were to correct that unbelief, not only would we free God to heal our land, but that we could see a great revival sweep across the globe resulting in hundreds of thousands of souls being added to the Kingdom of God. A third Great Awakening where God makes one last plea with humanity before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Mr. Orman was born in May of 1961 in Rockledge, Florida near the Kennedy Space Center. Growing up in Florida he was exposed to science and technology at the Space Center, but also religion at Bible believing churches. Eventually, this would lead to him serving as Pastor at Nanakuli Baptist Church in Hawaii. He served in the United States Coast Guard, has 22 years of industry technology experience, and 16 years of U.S. Government experience with the DoD. Today, he and his wife are retired in Hawaii.