Silicon Dominion

Will AI Overwhelm Christianity?

by David W. Rolston PhD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/19/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9798385036097
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9798385036080
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9798385036073

About the Book

This book provides an expert’s view of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and explains why many observers fear that intelligent machines could overwhelm humanity in the foreseeable future. It describes how the key objective of some researchers is to use AI to “become God” and grant eternal life to a new race of superhumans that they hope to create by combining humans with intelligent machines. The book begins by defining AI and describing how it works, and then presenting both the benefits and risks associated with AI development - past, present, and future. It focuses on why Generative AI - the form of AI that is currently emerging - represents a unique point in the 50-year history of AI development and explains why it presents enormous potential benefits and enormous risks. The last third of the book describes how future forms of AI may be focused specifically on attempting to crush Christianity and replace it with a new “correct” religion. It also discusses how AI may be a sign of the coming of the End Times and describes how AI may be used as a tool of dark forces during that time. Lastly, it suggests how Christians should prepare for this challenging future.

About the Author

Dr. David Rolston is a pioneer of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a lifelong Christian. He completed a PhD in AI in 1993 and wrote an international best-selling textbook on AI in 1988. He has worked on AI-based products for over 50 years and is currently developing new advanced applications.