SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1:1-25
KEY VERSE: Genesis 1: 1-2
God’s creation was a time of newness and promise. It was a blank slate. Our Creator’s new world began with an empty, dark, and formless heaven and earth. Then God’s Spirit acted and began to “hover” over the waters. To “hover” means to begin to do something.
Now, my favorite “Deep South” phrase for hover is “fixin’ to”, meaning an announcement of preparation for action of some sort. Growing up in the southern United States we loved all types of unique phrases, yet this one phrase was POWERFUL! The reason? It was a statement made to others. It was when you would announce WHAT you were about to DO! For example, my mother might say “I’m fixin’to” go make dinner.” That meant you could expect her to begin activity in the kitchen.
That’s what God’s beginnings were all about. You see, God was “fixin’ to” create something. He was at the very beginnings of creating our world and He was making that announcement. According to the author of Genesis, God was speaking the world into existence. The Genesis account also tells us that God had high standards as He hovered over the waters. Following each creation activity, God declared that it was good. An orderly God created day and night/ sky/ land and sea/ sun, moon and stars/ creatures for land, water, and sky/ and lastly man and woman. When God completed His sixth and final activity, God added the adverb “very” to His statement, making all creation activities very good. I offer the opinion that God was pretty proud of his handiwork!
When you are contemplating changes in your own life, you are taking action to create something new, hovering over what kind of new life you hope for or desire. By the way, take a tip from our Creator and adopt an orderly plan of management and evaluation. Bottom line: whatever you are “fixin’” to do, may it be VERY GOOD!
Dear God, thank you for your creation and for new beginnings. Amen.
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1:26-31
KEY VERSE: Genesis 1:26-27
God created us in God’s own likeness. What an incredible potential we have to be in the likeness of God! God is a holy, righteous, loving, and compassionate thinker and creator. Can we really be like God? How can we feel, think and act like God? Without God in our heart it is an impossibility. So how do we keep the characteristics of God in our heart and mind? It takes a loving God, patience, dedication, scripture, study, and prayer continuously. In spite of all this planning and work, sometimes we still fall short of our goal.
As our children were growing up, we tried to teach them to behave in a Godly way because that is God’s standard. That didn’t mean that they were better than anyone else, but it was God’s desire. “Remember, you are Holy!” was the mantra, which they probably grew weary of hearing. One day, I realized what a poor role model I was. Here’s my short story. I was running around like crazy, getting packed, trying to catch a flight and run an important errand. And it was raining! Short fused and insensitive to everyone in the family, I left a wake of hurt feelings behind. My errand finished, I jumped in the car, and noticed a note under my windshield wipers. Furious at the annoyance, I grabbed the paper, threw it inside on the front seat and wheeled out of the parking lot to a red light. At that moment, the note fell over, and I recognized the handwriting. It was my youngest daughter’s. While waiting for the green light, I read her words: “Mom, Remember, UR HOLY.” “Forgive me, Lord, I prayed.” And later made the same request to my family. This was a needed reminder. I was God’s creation meant to be like my Creator. Full of holiness, love, and compassion. I needed to be better at this.
Try not to get discouraged when you are trying to do your best to be the holy person God desires for you. Our God created YOU for great and wonderful plans. And He is patient and loving.
Dear Lord, live in my heart and mind. Guide me to be more like you and to treat others as you would want me to. Amen
Scripture: Genesis 2: 1-3
Key Verse: Genesis 2:3
Do you take naps? Some people take “power naps”. These are just short 20–30-minute naps, maybe on a couch or chair in the office or home. Just that short naptime could provide lots of energy for the rest of the workday. Clear eyed and full of “get up and go” people could perform better. I never could get that concept right. If I went to sleep during the day, I was down and out for at least two hours, then I felt “hung over” the rest of the day. In our culture we tend to work all day and sometimes into the evening. With technology we carry our work with us, always checking for the latest call, text or email we must answer.
So, is there a better plan? Think so! And God was the first user of His plan which later became one of the Ten Commandments: a call to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. The “Sabbath” actually means rest. Our Creator knew our bodies, minds and souls needed rest in order to perform well and live a well-balanced life. If God needed rest, we certainly do! Sabbath is a time to focus on God’s blessings and grace. It’s time to enjoy family and friends. It’s time to lay aside worries, our to-do lists and say aloud, “I am finished with my work demands.” It’s a time to worship God at home, in nature, at a church or in a synagogue, or temple. Remember, God rested because God had finished creation.
A friend of mine has a technique she uses to prepare for the Sabbath, and it isn’t even a spiritual activity. Before leaving her workplace, she places her “ to do list” in her desk drawer, closes the drawer, puts her hands over the drawer and speaks aloud these words: “Stay.” She says that the activity causes her to leave work behind and focus on her Sabbath moments.
Dear God, I want to have Sabbath moments with you every day, not just on a Saturday or Sunday. My desire is to have a holy, restful time daily in your presence. It will be my power nap with you. Amen