Whom Will God Glorify? Discover How You Can Live a Life That Pleases God
Book Details
About the Book
This book is an essential resource for believers who want a deeper relationship with God. The lessons are designed to revive your spirit, enabling a profound connection with God. In a time when false prophets abound and countless believers are pursuing their own agendas rather than what God has called them to do, the book serves as a wake-up call to what’s truly important. As you read, you’ll get answers to questions such as: How can you be a true soldier of Jesus Christ? What steps can you take to ensure your salvation? In what ways can you glorify God during your time on earth? God has called us so that we might live in eternity with Him. However, if we live our lives on earth gratifying the desires of our flesh, we may fall short of God’s ultimate calling. God wants to glorify us after our journey on earth is over, but now is the time to glorify Him.
About the Author
Unazi Ogah is a prophet of God, called to draw men’s hearts back to Him. He came to the faith of Jesus Christ over two decades ago and has been a disciple ever since. During this time, he has had many remarkable supernatural encounters with God through multiple visions. He is the founder of Hearts to God Ministries, which is committed to delivering prophetic messages that will draw men’s hearts back to God. He is a devoted husband and father of three young children.