Joy After Failure Second Edition

Make Better Decisions

by Linda A Bankoski



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9798385037285
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9798385037292

About the Book

Quality matters! Joy matters! And quality and joy are the result of good decisions. We don’t have control over how people treat us or how events impact us. We do have control over the access they have to our spirits. Write and follow a constitution for yourself and make decisions based on your constitution, not your intuition. Write your constitution to help you remember you how to care for yourself. Intuition is a gut reaction. Intuition is often a result of habits that we have developed over time. If you have a failure, use the Choice Cycle to improve your Next Time. It has taken me a lifetime of failures to learn that I have resources and can control who has access to me. We can learn to trust our sources of love. I know and I want you to know how to make decisions to be experience a life of joy.

About the Author

Linda grew up in a small rural community in the western United States, graduated from college and began working in healthcare, a career that she loved. Professional adventures took her through careers in medical devices, quality management, customer service, auditing, consulting and the hospitality industry. For more than forty years, she has enjoyed leading, coaching, consulting, teaching and writing to help a wide variety of individuals and organizations succeed, grow and prosper. Her passion is helping people, teams and groups create methods and systems to sustain excellence. She has lived in Colorado, California, Delaware, North Carolina and now enjoys living in Nairobi, Kenya. She treasures her time with friends and children, especially her grandsons. She cherishes her hard-earned joy! She loves books and was compelled to write hers. This concept and model came to her in a dream and publishing this book is the fulfillment of that dream. My greatest hope is that you will tell me how this has helped you. I would offer a suggestion that you could share your stories with me. Email to or connect with me on Facebook. Many thanks!!