Let us pray:
We love You Father. We praise You, our Lord and our King. You are the only one worthy of our praise.
We worship You O MIGHTY GOD! The creator of all that is or ever will be. You are OUR creator. You made us all with a purpose; help us to be obedient to You calling.
We live in a fallen world. Satan is out to kill and to destroy; but, You have given us, Your children, joy down in our souls. May we share Your love and offer of salvation with others so that they too, have a reason to worship You, our blessed Savior.
Give us the strength to endure the trials that this world brings. One day we will reach our heavenly homes and reside with You there. What a day of rejoicing that will be!
Until then, we will praise You at all times, through the good and the bad. For that's what You have asked us to do. Help us to remember all You have done for us: How You have never left nor forsaken us.
So we praise You Lord. We worship and adore You our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Let us pray:
Good morning Father, thank You for this day.
This year is drawing to a close. We hope our lives have made a difference to someone You put in our paths. As we look forward to the coming year, we ask for wisdom, strength, and inspiration to accomplish those tasks You ask of us.
May Your Word speak to our hearts. Help us to retain it and share it with others. Fill us with overflowing love. Give us joy and peace that only Your Holy Spirit can give that we might shine for You.
Help us to keep our eyes on You and not on the turmoil that is all around us. Give us the ability to share Your hope with others we pray. Our greatest desire is to be used by You and share Your plan of salvation with those who don't know You as their Savior.
So, thank You Lord for all You have done for us this year. We've felt Your presence.
We love You and ask this in Jesus name, Amen.
Let us pray:
We love You Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Every good thing comes from You. May we have grateful hearts.
If we look around, we see Your beautiful creation. It all reminds us of You, our Mighty God. The humming birds with their wings all a-flutter. Their little hearts beating so rapidly. How awesome they are. We think of all the different trees, some small, some reaching high into the sky. Their beauty is wonderful to behold. Then, there's the oceans, some who's white sandy beaches are warm to our feet, some who's waves roar onto the shores, reminding us of Your majesty.
You created it all, us included. How could one ever doubt there is a God?
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in one. You always were and You always will be. You are our Heavenly Father, our comforter, and our blessed Savior.
We worship, praise, honor, and love You now and will forevermore, Amen.
Let us pray:
Father, we love You!
Another year has come to an end. You've been with us all along the way. You've cried when we cried, laughed when we were joyful, and been our strength when we felt we could not face another day. For this we are forever grateful!
You have proven over and over again how faithful You are. You have never left our sides.
We have seen how all things work for good for those who love You. We are still waiting for the answer to some of our prayers, but we trust You will answer according to Your will and in Your perfect timing.
Our goal for this coming year is to know You better, to trust You completely, and to love You with all our hearts, souls, and minds. We know that this is Your desire for us as well, so help us to seek You above all else we pray. May we set aside a time each day when You, and You alone, are our focus. If we do, Your will for our lives will be accomplished. A more intimate relationship with You is where we find peace, no matter what's going on around us.
We love You. Thank You for Your never ending love. We worship, praise, and honor You, our Lord and our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Let us pray:
O Lord, how we love You! You are our God and our very best friend. No other understands us like You do. Their compassion is limited. They are only human. Yours is perfect for You created us with all our weaknesses. You want us to call on You for help when we fail or need extra strength. Your wisdom is beyond our understanding. You are so eager to pick us up and help us to try again.
Others might think our desires are foolish. You understand our longings and when we ask in Your name, You provide according to Your perfect will. You know what is best for us. Our trials make us stronger. They grow our faith: if we don’t let them make us bitter.
So Father, we surrender our all to You. Grow us. Make us more like You we pray.
Guide us by Your Living Word and by Your Holy Spirit. May our lives glorify You.
In Jesus' name we Ask, Amen.