For many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14)
In our human reasoning, we view the few or anything small as weak, feeble, undesirable, and unsuccessful. But God, in His divine wisdom, loves to use the few, the small, and the weak so that no flesh can glory in His presence.
Carnal man loves to take what only belongs to God. Our fallen nature is geared towards claiming honor and recognition for who we are and whatever we have accomplished. God knows the pride of man’s heart. In His wisdom, He loves to take what is nothing and make it into something. He loves to take the empty and fill it up. He loves to pick up broken pieces and make them whole. God loves to use the small, insignificant, undesirable and rejected to accomplish His divine purpose. He does so in order that fallen weak man may understand that he can do nothing without Him.
When God called Gideon to defeat the Midianites, he had him gather an army. However, the LORD said to Gideon that the army was too large. Gideon told the fearful soldiers to return home. Twenty-two thousand men left the front line that day. Upon review, the LORD told Gideon that the army was still too large. After the test at the riverbed, Gideon was left with 300 men. God designed it this way because, through the few, He demonstrated His power and glory – something He could not have accomplished with a multitude, at least not in this case (Judges 7:1-6).
The chosen are few. It is never easy to belong to a group considered to be a minority. Strength and superiority are often found in large numbers; at least, this is the viewpoint of the carnal mind. However, Noah and his family were the few. David was the small one against the giant, Goliath. Elijah stood alone on Mt. Carmel against 450 prophets of Baal. Five loaves and two small fish were nothing in the face of feeding 5000 people. Examples such as these are countless throughout God’s Word. What is God revealing through all of this? God reveals His glory, power, strength, and eternal purpose through the few! It is never about you – it is always about Him! It is never about your weakness; it is about His strength. It is not about what you can’t do but what He can do. It is not about how small you are or how small the group you are part of is; it is about how great and majestic He is.
Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? (John 6:70)
Consider these powerful words, “I have chosen you twelve.” Once your spiritual ears hear these words of election, you can never be the same again. His choice for you is His purpose for you. His choice is not based upon your abilities, greatness, goodness, or talents; it is not centered around your personality or strengths; it does not revolve around your family tree or your acquaintances. His choice for you is not influenced by a deed or a work of charity you have performed. If that had been the case, Jesus would never have chosen the twelve. Thomas was a doubter, Peter was a coward, and Matthew was a tax collector (tax collectors were known thieves). Apart from John, all the chosen disciples deserted Jesus on the eve of His crucifixion. Yet, despite their apparent weaknesses and shortcomings, the Master chose the twelve, each one for a specific purpose, including Judas.
Never despise what God is doing in your life. Never despise what He is doing in other people’s lives. Never despise the small, seemingly insignificant places and positions you may find yourself in. God is working all things according to His divine purpose. Seek Him, and you will discover the purpose in His calling and election.
When I was growing up, I had this sense that I didn’t fit in anywhere. I didn’t even fit in with my own family. All my brothers were successful soccer players and captains of teams. They were outgoing and charismatic. On the other hand, I was shy, reserved, and an absolute introvert, at least most of the time. I stuttered and was often plagued with social anxiety. I ran from crowds, whereas the rest of my family thrived on being around people. Little did I know at the time that God had me surrounded by a fence, a fence that was protecting me and guarding me in preparation for the years to come.
Many have a similar story to mine. When we don’t understand the reason for our feelings of disconnect, isolation, and loneliness, we frequently jump out of the fence and take extreme measures to try and fit in. This can lead to living a double life, developing unhealthy and toxic relationships, substance abuse, and activities that go against our character. It can lead to unhealthy isolation and a general spiritual, emotional, and social shutdown.
I was blessed to learn to accept who and what I was early on. In the process of doing so, God began to lead my life in unimaginable ways. This kid, who stuttered and had an inferior complex as deep as the ocean, has, over the past 45 years, stood before thousands of people in over 58 countries, teaching the wondrous mysteries of God’s word.
Yes, my dear friend, few are chosen! Maybe you are one of the few. Don’t try to jump out of the fence of God’s protective measures to fit into the framework of “normalcy.” Name one prophet of old who did not walk an isolated, different, often difficult, unique, and even weird life, at least to the eyes of the on-lookers. “The few” go against the current; they don’t take the easy route or follow the popular flow. Few tread the rugged road that many refuse to travel.
Few are chosen, maybe you are one of the few!