Paul’s Letter to the Galatians REVISED EDITION

by Christopher R. Cutler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/19/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9798385037995
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9798385038008

About the Book

The epistle of Galatians, written by the Apostle Paul, addresses the issue of Judaizing influences in the early church. Judaizers taught that, in addition to faith in Christ, it was necessary to be circumcised and obey Mosaic law in order to be saved. In response, Paul firmly affirms justification by faith alone, emphasizing freedom from the Old Covenant’s Jewish distinctives while still upholding the moral law. This commentary seeks to unpack Paul’s argument concerning justification by faith, while also exploring closely related issues such as the believer’s relationship to the law, freedom in Christ, and the dynamics of the biblical covenants. It explores Paul’s nuanced use of the term “law” and its significance for Christian doctrine and practice. By carefully examining Paul’s arguments and the broader theological implications, it offers readers a nuanced understanding that may prompt reconsideration of more antinomian views as well as interpretations influenced by Hebrew Roots theology. Implicit within its pages is a distinct theological stance on covenant theology, advocating for a Particular Baptist perspective over against other formulations. Moreover, the commentary navigates the nuanced relationship between the concepts of the fruit of the Spirit and good works, while seeking to illustrate what fruit-bearing looks like, biblically. By offering a comprehensive exploration of these themes, this commentary seeks to equip readers with a deeper understanding of Galatians and its enduring significance for Christian faith and practice.

About the Author

Christopher Cutler was born and raised in Wisconsin. In 2007, he move to California where he went into the medical field. It was there that he got saved and met his wife. He now lives in Wyoming with his wife and two kids, where he is a member of a PCA church, despite being a Baptist himself. He jests about being a “wild branch grafted into the Presbyterian tree,” mindful not to impose his theological convictions too much. Despite minor differences, he loves his church and notes that disagreements rarely surface unless the pastor is preaching on a text that is notoriously known for sparking debate. In 2012, not long after his conversion, spurred by a desire to commit a book of the Bible to memory, he chose Galatians for its digestible size, and consequently became quite interested in it. What started as a personal challenge soon evolved into an immersive exploration of Paul’s epistle, driven by a thirst for deeper understanding. Christopher spent countless hours poring over its verses, absorbing insights from various commentaries and sermons. His journey of discovery led him to discern the intricacies of Paul’s arguments, from the foundational truth of justification by faith to the practical implications for believers. Driven by his inquisitive nature, Christopher sought answers to complex questions surrounding Paul’s usage of the term “law” and the interconnectedness of the covenants within Galatians. What started out as a personal note-taking project culminated in a focused and thoughtful analysis, reflecting Christopher’s apologetic and theological approach. While not conventionally pastoral, his commentary offers insightful analyses and explanations, aiming to clarify the theological underpinnings of Galatians for readers. Christopher’s earnest hope is that his work will serve as a valuable resource for those seeking deeper understanding and clarity in their study of Scripture.