If you are a victim of mass media and modern culture, then you probably think that the world is full of many religions that are all at odds with each other and claim their own gods. That is actually inaccurate, but the vast majority of loud detractors love to say innocuous and un-supportable things like “which one of the 3000 gods do you worship?” or “that’s just one of 2000 religions in the world” in an effort to undercut and downplay the believers of the world. Can you hear their snide and ridiculous tones? It is so dramatically easy to defeat these self-absorbed Erudites that we rarely even need to bother. In other words, if they mean historically then this is easily defeated as anthropologically traceable mythology, and if they refer to a list that is 95% Hindu then again, they are easily defeated as that is one religion. Please learn from books and not Tic Tok. Such comments are so ignorant as to be almost unforgivable, but it is irrelevant to rational thought. So, let us take a serious actual realistic look at the religions of the world. Very briefly as this could be another entire book. First of all, how many claim to have an actual savior, the son of the God who created everything and saves everyone? Well, one. Wait a minute, what? Let’s take a look. For starters pull up a list of the religions of the world. Number one on that list is Christianity and it is a vast number, roughly a THIRD of humanity! OMG (literally). Nearing 3 billion total people. If you believe in logic and math that should already tell you something. Next in line and fast approaching is Islam. Now, if you do not know, Islam is an Abrahamic Religion. That is, they trace their roots to Abraham, mention Jesus 25 times in the Quran, and believe in the Old Testament. They do have some very violent and disturbing branches, but that is a minority, and the core is another Abrahamic religion that believes they worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The same as Jews and Christians. Now we have three of the most important religions of the world and well over HALF of humanity (approaching 60%), believing in the SAME GOD!!! That should be enough. If almost two-thirds of dentists recommend a special toothpaste to rebuild enamel, well, I’d use it, but let’s keep going. The next largest is Hinduism coming in around 15%. This is substantial, but do you know what happens when you explain Jesus to Hindus? Often, they just accept Him. It makes sense to them. See, they are the ones with thousands of gods and so they are not at odds with the story of the Bible at all. They have their own focus and belief system, but it does not typically propose a competitor for the Judeo-Christian God, so they are not really at odds. In fact, over 60% of Hindus believe that there is one god with many manifestations. I am not going to go all the way out on that hyper-trinitarian universalist limb, but let’s leave it at: generally speaking, Hinduism is not a problem. Wow, how about Buddhism? Surely, they have an all-powerful creator god to compete with Yahweh? Afraid not. Buddhism is about your personal path to knowledge and enlightenment. It revolves around an endless universe and eternal cycle of rebirth and rebuilding and does not offer a source for anything including the universe. They are not particularly concerned about good and evil, which is in its own way problematic, but many sects do teach peace and a philosophy similar in many ways to Jesus. Scientifically speaking, this is mathematically relevant. The rest of the world consists of around 12-15% random offshoot religions or just generally non-practicing, and something like 7-9% atheist and agnostic. So, if you really truly study these things, and you actually get deep into the religions of the world, you discover basically no argument or dissension. Overall, nearly two-thirds of the entire world believes in the same One God (that should be very hard to get around for a reasonable person), and none of the others really disagree. Yes. I know there are wars and battles and debates daily, but those are all man made with human earthy agendas, if you dig down into it there is really only one candidate in the entire world for true universal creator God, and He has a son whom was sent to save us all, and no one really has an argument except confused atheists college kids who think everyone else is so much dumber than they are. And please don’t bring up Odin or Ra or any other known antiquated mythology because some drug addict neighbor you had in Grad School tattooed an Ankh on his face. I am being serious. This is the world, and at least in a spiritual and supernatural sense, it is mostly in agreement.