Publishing Selection

As a publishing partner for Christian authors, we understand that you have an important goal for your book. Choosing a publishing package that is best suited for your publishing needs is the first step towards that goal. We want to ensure that your book publishing experience is the best possible fit to your publishing dream. You will be in the company of published authors who adhere to the same values and standards as yourself. In fact, each title must meet the WestBow Press Editorial Standards that are established by HarperCollins Christian Publishing in collaboration with WestBow Press, in order to carry the WestBow Press brand.

Compare Packages Author Services


We offer a unique selection of publishing packages that will fit your publishing goals.

Download Comparison Chart PDF Click Here


add-on-Available as Add-on
included-Included in Package

Your book held to the same theological standards as books published by Thomas Nelson & Zondervan
Opportunity for Discovery by Thomas Nelson & Zondervan
Inclusion in the Digital WestBow Press Quarterly Book Catalog
E-Book Format and Distribution
Softcover Format
Hardcover Format
Editorial Assessment
Credit for Editing Services $299 $299 $500 $1000
Cover Copy Polish
ISBN Assignment
Electronic Galley
Cover Design
Interior Page Design
Image Insertions 20 50 65 75 Unlimited
Custom Color Illustrations (for full-color books only)
Keyword Recommendations
Worldwide Online Distribution
Amazon, Google and Barnes & Noble Preview
New Releases Section in the WestBow Press Bookstore
Library of Congress Control Number
Digital Bookstubs 50 250 350 500 Unlimited
Credit for your first Author Book Order $250 $500 $500 $1000 $1000
Credit for Marketing Services $200 $350 $500 $500 $500
Print-ready Bookmarks Design File
Book Sales Savvy Marketing Guide
Social Media Set-up Support Guide Kit Kit Kit Kit
Website Design with One Year Hosting 3 Pages 6 Pages 6 Pages 6 Pages 10 Pages
Domain Name and Hosting Renewal after One Year 1 year 2 years
Booksellers Return Program 12 months 24 months 24 months 36 months
Press Release Essential 100 media outlets 250 media outlets 500 media outlets 500 media outlets
Book Feature in BookMad online magazine New Releases Listing New Releases Listing Half Page Full Page
Print-ready Marketing Materials Design File for Author Events   3 Events 10 Events 10 Events Unlimited
Featured Book Placement in the WestBow Press Bookstore
Bookstore Sell Sheet Digital File
Social Media Announcement
Video & Podcast Interview on the The Book Connection Show  
2-week Online Book Launch Campaign
Pitch Campaign to 25 Independent and/or Christian Bookstores in the US
Standard Book Video

If you need a more economical package that provides the same professional publishing support, check out our Inspire Package.

Do you have a children’s book that needs illustrations? Our Children’s Storytime package might be perfect for you.

Professional Author Services

At WestBow Press, we understand that your work is more than just a book. It is a passion and dream. It is a career. It is a mission. While our publishing packages are designed to help you publish with ease, you may need or desire something extra to help you reach your unique goals. From custom cover and interior design, superior editorial services, powerful marketing and bookselling tools, our professional services provide you the flexibility to publish the book you envision.


Publish your book in a wide variety of formats. From softcover, hardcover, e-book and audiobook options, cover all the bases when it comes to your readers’ desired book format.

Design Services

You accomplished something great by writing a book. Now that the hard part is done, we will help bring your story to life with illustrations customized to fit your message and style.

Production Services

Whether you need a simple book layout or full customization, or your manuscript needs data entry or a detailed index, our production team will follow your lead to create the book you envision.

Editorial Services

Trust our team of editing professional to clean up your text and provide the appropriate level of editorial attention that your book needs while carefully preserving your unique voice.

Marketing Services

Maintaining your full control as the author, enlist our team of experienced professionals to help you build a strong marketing plan with a suite of services to successfully promote your book.

Bookselling Services

Get high-quality bookselling materials that you need to set up your own book signing event, to confidently approach bookstores, or to promote your book directly to book buyers.