The Pain from the Death of a Spouse

A Diary of Life, Love, Death, and Sorrow

by Buddy Rogers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/16/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781490852171
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781490852164
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781490852188

About the Book

Once you turn the page of life, you cannot turn it back. The Pain from the Death of a Spouse revisits life with the living and documents the death, pain, and sorrow that will eventually come to every marriage.

This book introduces a door that every married couple will walk through, usually not together. A door that we don’t like to acknowledge or even admit exists. It is the door of reality. One spouse will die before the other in almost every marriage. My spouse walked through the door and left me on the opposite side. This is my story after the door closed behind her. It is a story that speaks to the soul of mankind about life, love, marriage, death, and sorrow.

You might ask, “What gives the author the insight, the expertise, the knowledge, and the experience to write about the pain that one suffers from the death of a family member?”

Perhaps it’s the pain he suffered from the death of his nineteen-year-old sister, and
perhaps it’s the pain he suffered from the death of his father, and
perhaps it’s the pain he suffered from the death of his mother, and
perhaps it’s the pain he suffered from the death of his brother, and
perhaps it’s the pain he suffered from the death of his spouse of fifty-five years, or
maybe it’s the love, support, and comfort God gave him during each of these deaths.

About the Author

Buddy Rogers graduated from Avon Park Florida High School; married the girl next door and had two children; retired from Hughes Aircraft Company in Los Angeles, California, as a computer scientist; and returned to the Tampa Bay, Florida, area. His spouse died in Brandon, Florida, in May 2012—thus The Pain from the Death of a Spouse.