What Happens...When God Gets Angry

by Buddy Rogers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/5/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781664291355
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781664291362

About the Book

What Happens… When God Gets Angry

God created Heaven and earth and all that is in it. He created man and woman with His two hands and named them Adam and Eve. God told them they had total control of the Garden of Eden except one tree, “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” God did not want them to look at it or touch it or eat the fruit from it.

The warning from God did not last long. Satan was after Adam and Eve as soon as God told them to stay away from the tree. Satan convinced them to eat the fruit so their eyes would be opened and thus sin was born. God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden and into the world of sin that the man and woman had created by disobedience.

Several hundred years later God saw the wickedness of the Adam and Eve generations. He decided to clear the earth of sinful man. God killed every land born creature with a flood of water that was above the mountain tops. God spared Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives. Only eight people survived the flood. Those eight people produced today’s world population of eight billion.

Hundreds of years later, God again looked at the sins of mankind and was disturbed. He looked at two of the worst cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, and decided to destroy four cities in the evil valley. Abraham asked God to spare the cities if he could find ten righteous people within the city of Sodom. Abraham could only find four righteous people, so God destroyed the cities with fire and brimstone.

Now, hundreds of years after Sodom and Gomorrah, God is looking at the world today. He is deciding how long He will wait before He sends Christ to rapture the church-age saints and destroy sinful mankind.

In the Bible book of Revelation, God explains some of the events that will take place during the Tribulation period of seven years. I have tried to capture the consequences in this book. After these events there will be no reason for God to look from Heaven to earth anymore because Heaven will be on earth.

It is all there, right in the Bible.

About the Author

I started writing this book about three years ago. Writing a few pages here and there but not really buckling down and getting the job done. In January of 2021, I decided I would complete the book by the end of the year. By July of 2021, I had completed about 30 percent of the draft. I decided to re-read my writings. What I found was that I did not like the style nor the format nor the way I was interpreting the Bible text, so I started over. Each day I ask God to help me interpret the Bible correctly and give me the words to write. However, any mistakes in this book is the sole responsibility of the human author.