Whose Children Are We? The future that awaits us

The prayer of the Our Father and the Christian roots of life, family, and society

by Stefano Tardani



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/29/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781512745887
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781512745894

About the Book

The book covers the fundamentals of human life and the family, as well as issues pertaining to the social and human sciences, seen in the light of Christian values. Christianity has something great and precious to offer everyone, both Christians and non-Christians alike. This, we must recover and discover anew, and make known through a new evangelization. The words of the Prayer of Our Father contain the blueprint for our life and survival: the knowledge and beauty not only of being human, but of the family, and of the way of living in society. This is definitely a new and different book, teaching about the meaning and the sense of life; a precious tool for the formation and pastoral care of young people and families towards a rediscovery of Faith and of the dignity of human life. Translations into another 9 languages for forthcoming publication.

About the Author

Born in Rome in 1951, Fr. Stefano Tardani is a priest in the Diocese of Rome. Holding two post-graduate degrees in Moral and Dogmatic Theology, he has enthusiastically carried out studies both in the human and natural sciences. Rector of the Church of Saint Thomas, he has founded the Movement of Family Love to carry out pastoral work aimed at families. In 2003, The Association Famiglia Piccola Chiesa - Movimento dell'Amore Familiare (Family Little Church of the Movement of Family Love) was given official recognition by Diocesan Decree. Fr. Stefano has run television programmes, has taken part in TV shows, and has released interviews to the press. In 2012, he wrote the book: Figli di chi? Quale futuro ci aspetta (Ancora Editrice). In 2014, he spoke at a ProLife World Congress presenting a paper on the importance of the reality of the Spirit for human life and the development of society, and took part in the Catholic Media Symposium organized by Alliance Defending Freedom.